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To attain Nirvana
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Control electrons like this
Upload this to arduino
Code makes electrons flow
It is called electricity
Flow of electrons?
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chatGPT prompts splitter

chatGPT prompts splitter

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Recover stalled 3D print

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Google translate for long text

Google translate for long text

What is NoobToNirvanaThe journey and story of how a noob is trying to attain Nirvana


I am the creator of soon to be launched brands which are meant to make high impact on social problems arising out of poverty such as homelessness, hunger and health.

During this journey, I keep learning new things everyday which I share on this website so that everyone can use the knowledge to build a better world and make an impact.

I use this website to communicate with the world about my inventions, innovations and technical know how which is a part of the journey of someone who is creating products. The best way I found to describe this journey is Noob to Nirvana.
